The Ultimate Fridge Guide Everyone Needs For Always-Fresh Food

You know what they say! Just because you can, doesn't mean you should... chuck all of your fresh groceries, raw ingredients and leftovers in the same empty space that you might readily find in the fridge.

Here's a complete walkthrough of our Ultimate Fridge Guide on how you should keep your fridge in order to always have the freshest food and the cleanest space to store them in.

Main Shelves 

Ideally maintained between 1°c - 4°c, these areas are perfect for most of your daily/ regular food items. In fact, since it is at eye-level, most of us would fill it mindlessly or conveniently with anything everyday. Let's see what they are actually the best storage for!


The top shelf is great for all of your Pre-Cooked Meals and Leftovers. Hot air rises, even in the fridge, so be sure not to leave them in for too long before reheating and consuming.

Pro tip: Distribute it into smaller portions using shallow (3" or less), airtight containers for quicker cooling! This helps to slow down bacteria growth, retain moisture and keep odours out. 

Recommended Organizers:




Here's where all your Dairy Products should go; Eggs, Milk, Butter, Cheese...etc. This space will keep them cool and tasty as the temperature is the most consistent, making them stay fresh for a longer period of time as well. 

You can also keep your Beverages chilled here!

Recommended Organizers:


Crisper (Usually the bottom shelf)

This compartment usually regulates humidity to maintain a safe and ideal environment to store your Vegetables and FruitsBecause temperatures go as low as 0°c here, it extends their shelf life as they are kept crisp and fresh. Make sure to store them separately, whether refrigerated or not, as vegetables are more sensitive to ethylene gas - a type of gas that causes ripening and rotting quicker - than fruits that are likely to release it more.

Recommended Organizers:



Fridge Door/s


Ultimately, try to keep the temperature here at 4°c at least. Being the warmest spots in the fridge, only the least perishable items that are most resistant to spoiling are compatible enough to be placed here. Temperatures fluctuate as you open and close these doors so they are the perfect home for natural preservatives like Sparkling Water, Bottled Beverages (Juice), Jams, and other Condiments

Avoid storing your dairy products in these spots -- If you usually keep your eggs and milk here, it's time to reorganise!

Recommended Organizers:



Freezer (& Chiller)


At -18°c, bacteria growth goes dormant. Because of that, the freezer has the optimal temperature to prevent food from spoiling quickly yet also helps preserve the nutritional value and quality of your foods at the same time. Properly wrapped/packed to avoid contamination, you are advised to keep your Raw Meat, Poultry and Fish here.

Pro tip: Try not to put meat back in the freezer after they are thawed, they may lose nutrients and grow bacteria due to defrosting, and may be unsafe to consume thereafter. Thaw them in the fridge where the temperature is below 4°c if you have to

Recommended Organizers:



While organizing your fridge can help to maintain the freshness of your food to a great extent, remember to toss out the things that have either been contaminated, smells funny, grew mould or reached their expiration date.

To learn how to keep them in optimal freshness, stay tuned for the next article to read on the basic shelf-life for the different food types stored in your fridge!

If you'd like to start your journey with Fridge Organizers, click here to browse more. Alternatively, get it sorted quickly with our Fridge Organizers Bundle!